In this section we will walk you through how to use servlets from from any MCP compataible application. We call applications that can run MCP servers "clients". For a good list of compatible clients see Anthropic's list of clients.
MCP Servlet vs MCP Server
If you're still wondering what a Servlet is exactly and how it is different than an MCP Server, fret not! Both MCP Servlets and Servers conform to the same protocol, but a servlet is a smaller, portable format that can be easily shipped around and securely executed in a Wasm sandbox.
To use a Servlet as a Server, we have developed a piece of technology called mcpx
. mcpx allows you to present
your servlet as a server to any MCP compatible client. It also has the benefit being able to combine many servlets
that get presented as one server. So you no longer need to install and configure each server in your client. You
only need to install and configure mcpx and your servers will come with you. See our introduction blog post
for more details on how this works.
Remote vs Local
Servlets can be run anywhere. They can run on device or we can run them for you in and you can remotely connect using the SSE transport.