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Cursor is an AI code editor and it has MCP support.



  1. Install Cursor
  2. Open it up and create your account and connect to a model provider
  3. Open Cursor -> Preferences -> Cursor Settings -> Features
  4. Scroll down to MCP Servers and click Add new MCP Server
  5. Enter the following values:
  • name: mcpx
  • type: command
  • command: npx --yes @dylibso/mcpx
  1. Hit Add. It should show up and the dot should go green
  2. Open Composer view and toggle from normal to agent (small text on bottom of input)
  3. Ask "log me into" to authenticate mcpx to
  4. You can now use tools
Up to date instructions

If you get stuck, please refer to Cursor's guide as it should remain up to date.