Claude Desktop
Claude Desktop is a great way to experience mcp servlets from the people who created the protocol! It provides a chat interface to Anthropics latest models and runs on macos and windows.
- Install Claude Desktop from Anthropic
- Open it up and authenticate to Claude
- Edit your config file at:
- Mac:
~/Library/Application\ Support/Claude/claude_desktop_config.json
- Windows:
If you can't find the file
Open Claude Desktop, open the Settings menu, go to the Developer section and click Edit Config inside the servers section. Open and edit this file using the instructions below.
- Add the following to your config file under the
"mcpServers": {
"mcpx": {
"command": "npx",
"args": [
If you have existing claude_desktop_config.json
If you have existing mcpServers, add "mcpx" alongside them while maintaining valid JSON.
- Restart Claude Desktop (quit & re-open the app)
- You should see the little hammer tool appear in the bottom right section of your prompt input.
- Log in to by prompting "log me in to" and follow the instructions.
Up to date instructions
If you get stuck, please refer to Claude Desktop's guide as it should remain up to date.