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Integrating Servlets with CrewAI

CrewAI is a framework that brings structure and organization to multi-agent AI systems. It lets you create teams of AI agents that work together in a coordinated way, similar to how human teams operate in organizations. Each agent has specific roles and responsibilities, working together through defined processes to accomplish complex tasks.

The framework is built on four key components:

  1. The Crew - Your management layer that oversees operations and ensures effective collaboration
  2. AI Agents - Specialized team members with defined roles, tools, and objectives
  3. Tasks - Well-defined assignments that can be chained together
  4. Process - The workflow manager that controls task execution and agent collaboration

In this tutorial, we'll build a system that manages zoo operations and social media presence using CrewAI and tools. We'll create two agents: a zookeeper who writes engaging stories about the animals, and a social media manager who publishes these stories to WordPress.

Step 1: Pre-requisites

Before starting, ensure you have the following:

Setting up

You'll need an account and session ID. Here's how to get started:

  1. Run this command in your terminal:

    npx --yes -p @dylibso/mcpx@latest gen-session
  2. Your browser will open to complete authentication through GitHub

  3. After authenticating, return to your terminal and save the provided session key

Security Note

Keep your session ID and OpenAI API key secure. Never commit these credentials to code repositories or expose them publicly.

Required Tools

Because our hypothetical Zoo uses WordPress for its website, you’ll need to install the WordPress servlet here:

Install the servlet by:

  1. Visiting each URL
  2. Clicking the Install button
  3. Verifying they appear in your install profile

Step 2: Create a new Crew

The CrewAI docs has a fantastic quick start page which guides you through the steps, but creating a new crew is as simple as running:

crewai create crew awesome_zoo_blogging

Step 3: Setting up Integration

First, install the mcp-run library that handles authentication and tool management:

uv add mcp-run

Step 4: Creating the MCPX Tool Wrapper

We need to create a wrapper that converts tools into CrewAI-compatible tools. Here's our implementation:

Create a new file called src/tools/

from typing import List, Type, Optional, Dict, Any
from pydantic import BaseModel, create_model
from import BaseTool
from mcp_run import Client
import json

class MCPTool(BaseTool):
"""Wrapper for tools to be used with CrewAI."""
name: str
description: str
_client: Client
_tool_name: str

def _run(self, text: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> str:
"""Execute the tool with the provided arguments."""

if text:
input_dict = json.loads(text)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
input_dict = {"text": text}
input_dict = kwargs

# Call the tool with the input arguments
results =, input=input_dict)

output = []
for content in results.content:
if content.type == "text":
return "\n".join(output)
except Exception as e:
raise RuntimeError(f"MCPX tool execution failed: {str(e)}")

def get_mcprun_tools(session_id: Optional[str] = None) -> List[BaseTool]:
"""Create CrewAI tools from installed tools."""
client = Client(session_id=session_id)
crew_tools = []

for tool_name, tool in
# Create the Pydantic model from the schema
args_schema = _convert_json_schema_to_pydantic(

# Create the CrewAI tool with the converted schema
crew_tool = MCPTool(

crew_tool._client = client
crew_tool._tool_name = tool_name


return crew_tools

def _convert_json_schema_to_pydantic(schema: Dict[str, Any], model_name: str = "DynamicModel") -> Type[BaseModel]:
"""Convert a JSON schema dictionary into a Pydantic model."""
properties = schema.get("properties", {})
required = schema.get("required", [])

fields = {}
for field_name, field_schema in properties.items():
field_type = _get_field_type(field_schema)

# Handle default values correctly
default = field_schema.get("default", None)
if field_name in required:
# Required fields don't get a default
fields[field_name] = (field_type, ...)
# Optional fields with or without default
fields[field_name] = (Optional[field_type], default)

return create_model(model_name, **fields)

def _get_field_type(field_schema: Dict[str, Any]) -> Type:
"""Convert JSON schema type to Python type."""
schema_type = field_schema.get("type", "string")

if schema_type == "array":
items = field_schema.get("items", {})
item_type = _get_field_type(items)
return List[item_type]

elif schema_type == "object":
# Handle nested objects by creating a new model
return _convert_json_schema_to_pydantic(field_schema, "NestedModel")

# Basic type mapping
type_mapping = {
"string": str,
"integer": int,
"number": float,
"boolean": bool,
return type_mapping.get(schema_type, str)

Step 5: Defining Our Agents

Create a config/agents.yaml file:

role: Zookeeper
goal: Manage the daily operations of the zoo
backstory: >
You are a seasoned zookeeper with a passion for wildlife conservation. You have
experience caring for a wide range of animals, from large mammals to exotic birds.
Your responsibilities include feeding, cleaning, and monitoring the health of the
animals under your care. You also interact with visitors, providing educational
information about the animals and their habitats.

role: Social Media Manager
goal: Increase engagement and brand awareness on social media platforms
backstory: >
You are a social media guru with a knack for creating engaging content that
resonates with your audience. You have experience managing social media accounts
for various brands and organizations, using data-driven strategies to optimize
reach and engagement. Your goal is to grow the zoo's online presence and foster
a sense of community among its followers. You also can publish directly to WordPress.

Step 6: Defining Tasks

Create a config/tasks.yaml file:

description: >
Write an engaging zoo update that captures the week's most fascinating stories
and memorable moments. Share stand-out animal moments that show off their unique
personalities. Include visitor interactions, keeper stories, and facility updates.
Focus on interesting details that would surprise and delight readers. Keep the tone
friendly and conversational. Aim for 250 words.
expected_output: 5 engaging stories/updates that summarize the day.
agent: zookeeper

description: >
Publish the stories as one blog post to the zoo's WordPress site. Check recent
posts to avoid content duplication. Set status to "published" directly.
expected_output: A live blog post series showcasing the zoo's animals.
agent: social_media_manager

Step 7: Creating the Crew

Create your

from crewai import Agent, Crew, Process, Task
from crewai.project import CrewBase, agent, crew, task
from import get_mcprun_tools

mcpx_tools = get_mcprun_tools()

class AwesomeZooBlogging():
"""Zoo management crew"""
agents_config = 'config/agents.yaml'
tasks_config = 'config/tasks.yaml'

def zookeeper(self) -> Agent:
return Agent(

def social_media_manager(self) -> Agent:
return Agent(
tools=mcpx_tools # Give access to tools

def write_interesting_stories_task(self) -> Task:
return Task(

def publish_blog_posts_task(self) -> Task:
return Task(

def crew(self) -> Crew:
return Crew(

💡 Note: Currently, get_mcprun_tools returns all tools installed to your account's default profile. Future updates will support multiple profiles with different tool configurations.

You can find the complete code for this example at: mhmd-azeez/crewai-mcprun

Step 8: Run the crew

$ crewai run

This should run the two agents that each process their own tasks, in the end, you should have a new blog post in your WordPress website.


If you get stuck and need some help, please reach out! Visit our support page to learn how best to get in touch.